We want to frustrate every type of deck. Shut down everyone. Bring pain and frustration to all who want to enjoy a good game of Hearthstone. It is our natural duty as priests.
This deck is designed to combat aggro and combo decks effectively, while putting up a good control game against big minion decks.
We use 3 kinds of cards to accomplish this:
1. Aggro Stompers: Taunt and heal minions. Disgusting Watch Posts. Eventually aggro decks should run out of steam from these.
2. Combo Disruptors: Dirty Rat, Far Watch Post, and Illucia should disrupt combo decks enough to give you a good fighting chance.
3. Board Clears: Lots of board clears. Finally, we add N’Zoth and Resurrections for win condition if the game drags on too long.