How to play, minions
- Go for the ramp early, that’s your priority. Always coin Wild growth if you can follow up w/ Jade Blossom.
- This deck wins with the big minions, Jade Golems are there to distract your opponent and provide board control while the Giants, Rag and Y’Shaarj take care of the hero.
- Jade Behemoth is a defensive card here that buys you time. Do not be afraid to play it on curve even it creates only a 1/1.
- Emperor is a slot for tech cards. A discount is always welcomed but his other upside is that enemies has to address him (time, again). Baron Geddon or Abomination might replace him if Shamans return.
- Barnes was replaced by Aya since I was lucky enough to open her (three times in 104 decks /such gold wasted…/). Do not use Barnes, he has only like 4 good outcomes vs 6 bad/mediocre
- Living roots are needed for spell damage/control in the early-mid game.
- Against control decks always shuffle the second Jade Idol.
- Fandral+Jade Idol is decent value. Fandral+Living roots is ok if there is even a slight chanche that Fandral survies. Turn 4 Fandral turn 5 Nourish is a gamble but I go for it sometimes. 🙂
- This is a slow deck, you will need feral rages, I usually go for armor. Still, it is better than Moonglade Portal (versatility & 6 mana 1/1 w/battlecry summon a 6/6 orc).
- Y’Shaarj pulling Azure Drake is great value: 10 mana 14/14, thins your deck (basicly Drake’s cycle goes off). Y’Shaarj pulling Jade Behemoth is good as well: 10 mana 13/16 w/ taunt.
- Once more: the strength of this deck is that your opponent has to address a lot of big minions.
Based on Hotform’s deck (he played that in November, pre-msg)