Jade N’zoth Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: control - Season: season-35 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Generally you want these 8 cards in your hand. You actually want answers versus everything. 

  1. Jade claws: you keep this because you can kill early 1-drops and 2-drops and contest the board.
  2. Spirit claws: same reason why you should keep jade claws and it can sometimes even kill some 3-drops.
  3. Devolve: it can deal with most minions because it gives them less health and attack so you kill them easier. 
  4. Jinyu waterspeaker: You actually just want a 4-drop and maybe have some heal.
  5. Jade Lightning: Solid removal versus everything around turn 4 and 5
  6. Mana Tide Totem: You need card draw or you'll be out of answers
  7. Hex: Just to deal with big minions.
  8. Lightning Storm: You want to keep at least 1 AOE in your hand.

Aggro Mulligans

Generally you want to keep these cards vs aggro decks.

  1. Jade Claws: You want to keep this weapon versus any aggro deck because of STB
  2. Spirit Claws: You just want a weapon in the early game so you can kill minions and try to clear the board.
  3. Maelstrom Portal: You want to deal with the patches opener
  4. Devolve: You want this in your hand because it turns makes minions weaker
  5. Hex: Two minions only needs this: 4 mana 7/7 or a huge frothing
  6. Jinyu Waterspeaker: You want to keep this because you will be taking a huge amount of damage
  7. Healing Wave: You need the heal from taking some huge damage.
  8. Jade Lightning: You keep this so you can deal with Totem Golem and Frothing Berserkers.

Control Mulligans

  1. White Eyes: You keep him so you can contest the board and shuffle the Storm Guardian in your deck. 
  2. Mana Tide Totem: You need card draw or you'll be in a lot of trouble because you can't answer everything.
  3. Hex: You need this so you can deal with Mountain Giants and Innervated 6-drops. Just huge minions..
  4. Devolve: Use this so you can deal with a Twilight Drake and make Kazakus Resurrect worse.
  5. Spirit Claws: Keep this weapon so you can deal with early drops. Also nice to use to bait out oozes so you can drop Jade Claws and kill them with that.
  6. Jade Claws: Same reason you keep Spirit Claws, just to kill early drops.
  7. Lightning Storms: You keep this so you can deal with large boards and control the board.
  8. Azure Drake: Even though this is rotating out in 2 months. It's still good. Use this for contesting the board and for card draw, spell damage.

You might see this deck and just skip it. But what if i tell you that it beats almost EVERYTHING. Only dragon priest is a weak matchup but we won’t see that anymore after the next rotation.

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  1. leon
    February 26, 2017 at 10:37 AM

    heyyy thats pretty good ;DD