Jade Golem Midrange Shaman Test

Class: Shaman - Format: kraken - Type: midrange - Season: season-32 - Style: ladder

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I designed this deck to be a viable solution for the actual Midrange Shaman. Because this deck is actually the strongest without contest, I took the same early game and tried to rearrange the rest of the deck to be less restricted by the overload. 

This deck hasn’t only one theme/win condition and that’s why I find it quite interesting.

But let’s focus on the cards:

As I said earlier, I took approximately the same early game as in the classic version: 2 Spirit Claws, 2 Bolts, 2 Totem Golem. I removed the Trogg, only powerful in the mirror match-up. Thalnos, a Geomancer and 2 Azure Drakes will ensure us to have a 3-attack weapon (and the totem as will well). I added some cards in the Jade Golem Mechanics, such as the Jade Lightning or the Jade Claws, a little bit weak as a weapon but still a good battlecry, which is powerful with Brann. About Brann, there are a lot of potential combos with the Jade Golem cards (and of course with the Azure Drake, but a weak one). 

There still are the classic Midrange Shaman AOEs: 2 Maelstrom Portals and 2 Storms, to be boosted with the spell damage we have. Hex is more important than ever, because it cancels all the buff mechanics that arises with Gadgetzan and allow us to handle a big late minion as Ragnaros or a taunt minion for example. Always powerful. I added an Ancestral Spirit as a bonus card, to tip a situation is our favor: Spirit+Ragnaros, Spirit+White Eyes, Spirit+Aya or Spirit+Spell Damage Minion for example, the card is very flexible.

The mainly difference between this version and the classic Midrange version is that we are not running the Vaillant, the Fire Elementals and the Things. And prefered to add much powerful lategame such as White Eyes, the new legendary Shaman card with amazing stats or Aya Blackpaw (possible combo with Brann) and 2 Arcane Giants.

This deck is also great because we don’t have a lot to change to run a more N’Zoth Control deck: more AOEs, a little more heal (Healing Waves and the new Jinyu Waterspeaker) and more Deathrattle minions of course.

Enjoy this deck and tell me how you’d optimize it !

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