Jade Etranger

Class: Rogue - Format: kraken - Type: aggro - Season: season-33 - Style: ladder

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Hey guys this is my first deck posted but I thought it was super fun so I thought i’d share.


Jade Swarmer and Unearthed Raptor are your bread and butter, it might be worth it to forgo the 1 damage keep Swarmer stealthed to copy it with Un Earthed Raptor or Shadow Caster

Shadowstep-Helps you bump up your Jade Idol count I usually will see if they kill Jade Spirit if they dont kill something with it / do damge, throw it out again. Also this can help vs aggressive decks by spamming Defender of Argus.

Swashburglar- Combo initiator, also puts a minion down and is a really cheap cost to gamble to grab the other class’ more powerful cards.

Gadetzan Ferryman- You dont need this guy, if you had 2 of these in your hand with nothing to do that would be the WORST. but just 1 can squeeze an extra defender of argus, or jade summon, or even pull back an agent to get much needed 2 damage…But one of the best things you can do is re summon N’zoth.

Loot Hoarder- You need to move fast and get your Jade Idols pushed out, if you didnt get what you needed, throw this down and copy with Unearthed Raptor to push your deck while maintaining some board control.

Brann- Works really well with Jade and defender of Argus cries EVEN BETTER if you can squeeze a Swashburglar in there. My favorite combo I did, was Brann wasnt killed, so on a fresh turn I used Shadow Caster to get 2 1/1 shadowcasters, copied a defender of argus to get 2 1/1 argus and just copied and shieleded for days.

Shadow Strike- Unlike eviscerate you aren’t forced to play a card to play this, yes it’ll most likely be used on minions vs your opponent so make sure you can do your damage with your minions.  Also Shadow Strike works perfectly with Sylvanas, I love killing my own Sylvanas to take their Sylvanas and have 2 on the N’Zoth summon.

Shadow Caster- You dont get a lot of Jade Idol summons in your deck so these guys help, you can copy a  Jade swamer and keep it for an easy Jade Swarmer + Unearthed Raptor combo, This card can get you all kinds of things you need from your deck for absolutely brutal combos, normally this card wasn’t strong enough when you play mostly removal but with lost of minions on the board Shadowcaster can sneak in to do a lot of work while they are focused on trying to wipe the board.

That’s it for now, I may pdate later but right now I think this works pretty well…

PS watch out for Reno decks, slow your output if you notice they dont have a lot of minions

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