General Mulligans
Early games drops, simple enough.
Aggro Mulligans
Anything to stop the early game from completely destroying you.
Midrange Mulligans
Do your best to out-tempo and out-value your opponent.
Combo Mulligans
Stay protected and build up your Jades.
Control Mulligans
Try and keep up the pressure while building Jades quickly.
Midrange Deck using Elementals to carry the deck through the early and mid game with while Jades grows with big Jades and Kalimos, Primal Lord to hopefully lead to victory. Try and pick a big Elemental that you can chain into next turn with Servant of Kalimos
Could use some card draw, if you want to change something.
Weapon removal and Maelstrom Portal can be added to deal with Pirates better. Jinyu Waterspeaker also helps with this matchup.
Devolve is a complete shutdown for Galvadon and can help get around some adapt and aggro threats too.