Jade Druid but less Jade

Class: Druid - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

General: You want to ramp as fast as you can and then cast ultimate infestation to refuel. Then you can play some jades and taunts.

Aggro: You just want to stop aggro and if you can you win. Cards like spreading plague and wrath can do that for you. You also want to get some ramp so you can cast cards like spreading plague before you are dead.

Control: You want to out value control early and get through your deck fast so you can go infinite with jade idol. Mulligan for all ramp cards and ultimate infestation.

This deck was built in preparation for the druid nerfs. It is jade druid and midrange taunt druid mixed together. This deck has less jade, and you could add an Aya if you wish but this deck was meant to be a little less hated.

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