hey you all need to seriously consider trying stormwatcher in this deck. i believe stormwatcher is actually the perfect inner-fire-priest-card. 8 health and windfury means it gets OTK damage, 30 to 0, with only one inner fire and one divine spirit, if you can remove taunt with silence or whatever. also, faceless shambler, bittertide hydra, scaled nightmare, hozen healer are all worth considering, depending on your style. i personally think, with how many quest warrior decks there are, it’s worth running mass dispell, and it’s possible to get a turn 6 or 7 otk (hopefully before he finishes quest) with mass dispell.
I find your ideas great but it seems like you are building a different deck, something between this one and silence decks, may be you could share your constructed.
Amazing deck got me all the way to rank 15 and been on a win streak since 20. I lost a few trying to figure out how to play the deck properly but after you get your combos down it’s incredibly fun
You really must not be able to play the deck. It’s my personal favorite because of the difficulty and creativeness. Sweetly piloted myself from rank 15 to rank 5 only losing very few games. Two losses vs taunt warrior, two to Timewarp Mage, 1 to a quest rogue and maybe 1 or 2 more I don’t remember.
I don’t even have Lyra I just use a Stranglethorn TIger and it hasn’t been useful once so far lol, put in Elise Trailblazer instead so you can maybe win with the added value if things don’t go right vs taunt warrior or mage.
That’s because you’re playing it in one of this two ways:
– No brainer, launching your buffs stupidly. So it’s obvious you’ll lose.
– Control. That was my mistake on the very beggining.
This deck is bassed in having something that at least seems board control (of course, total board control is better, but more difficult ti reach), and when you find a way to hit face with your full combo (shadow words/potions of madness/other minions taking out enemy taunts), you can launch Divine Spirit x 2 and inner fire on a mínimo with some heal pool ti vive a final strike ( les things are required the stronger the heal of tour finisher is).
I’m actually playing in rank 10 with some changes due ti nota having Lyra and not liking Wild Pyros, so I use 2 x Shadow Madness and a Mana Geode.
Use it alongside Power Word: Shield. It’s a great form of removal since it gives Wild Pyro more health and a proc on his ability. It icreases the likelyhood of more spell pros in the future (technically until Wild Pyro dies). It also opens up better minion trades since Wild Pyro will have more health.
Northshire is always good to keep. acolyte is a great card vs control, and pyromancer + PW:S is good against aggro decks. Injured Blademaster + CoH is great so consider keeping it, especially against other priests since 4 attacks minions are hard for them to deal with. Hope this helps.
this deck is deceptively very strong. the 2 mana 2/3 that lowers costs of spells + the 2 mana discover a spell allow for very cheap otk opportunities. I easily got 3 divine spirits and otk’ed someone.
This deck is very good. learn how to play please. Got to rank 8 from rank 14 with this deck. Crushes rogue questers if played correctly or any other decks for the matter since Rogue Quest is probably tier 1 atm. One change i made to the deck was instead of having an extra Injured blademaster, i put in a Questing Adventurer into the deck. Questing Adventurer is really good if pushed to late game and can constantly free play cards with the right combo.
Be very aggressive, they are working on their own game so intently usually that if you try to buff up any minion you can get to stick quickly before they get their quest up you will win.
hey you all need to seriously consider trying stormwatcher in this deck. i believe stormwatcher is actually the perfect inner-fire-priest-card. 8 health and windfury means it gets OTK damage, 30 to 0, with only one inner fire and one divine spirit, if you can remove taunt with silence or whatever. also, faceless shambler, bittertide hydra, scaled nightmare, hozen healer are all worth considering, depending on your style. i personally think, with how many quest warrior decks there are, it’s worth running mass dispell, and it’s possible to get a turn 6 or 7 otk (hopefully before he finishes quest) with mass dispell.
I find your ideas great but it seems like you are building a different deck, something between this one and silence decks, may be you could share your constructed.
Only one inner fire? Wow! I always use 2 inner fires on the same minion.
i dunno how u guys can be doing bad with this one. im playing it from almost beginning and im currently 55-20 on deck tracker
I have no idea how to play it, a small guide would be awesome, or add on battle net
is there a guide for this deck becasue I am doing pretty bad with it right now.
Is this good against quest rogue?
Any replacements for Priest of the Feast?
Here’s my cheap version of this. i was running low on dust. i think this should work relatively good:
Amazing deck got me all the way to rank 15 and been on a win streak since 20. I lost a few trying to figure out how to play the deck properly but after you get your combos down it’s incredibly fun
I am currently 0-7 with this in Unranked, and 0-4 with this in Ranked giving me a total of 0-11.
Thanks alot for this “awesome” deck.
Looks like someone can’t pilot a J4CKIE deck properly ulu
You really must not be able to play the deck. It’s my personal favorite because of the difficulty and creativeness. Sweetly piloted myself from rank 15 to rank 5 only losing very few games. Two losses vs taunt warrior, two to Timewarp Mage, 1 to a quest rogue and maybe 1 or 2 more I don’t remember.
I don’t even have Lyra I just use a Stranglethorn TIger and it hasn’t been useful once so far lol, put in Elise Trailblazer instead so you can maybe win with the added value if things don’t go right vs taunt warrior or mage.
That’s because you’re playing it in one of this two ways:
– No brainer, launching your buffs stupidly. So it’s obvious you’ll lose.
– Control. That was my mistake on the very beggining.
This deck is bassed in having something that at least seems board control (of course, total board control is better, but more difficult ti reach), and when you find a way to hit face with your full combo (shadow words/potions of madness/other minions taking out enemy taunts), you can launch Divine Spirit x 2 and inner fire on a mínimo with some heal pool ti vive a final strike ( les things are required the stronger the heal of tour finisher is).
I’m actually playing in rank 10 with some changes due ti nota having Lyra and not liking Wild Pyros, so I use 2 x Shadow Madness and a Mana Geode.
This deck is incredibly useless. do not invest in this deck
Any good replacements for Lyra
This deck is amazing and cheap which makes it even better
Deck is rly cool i have 1 question how should i use wild pyromancer ?
Yes, there is a lot of murloks and small creatures in the current meta.
Use it alongside Power Word: Shield. It’s a great form of removal since it gives Wild Pyro more health and a proc on his ability. It icreases the likelyhood of more spell pros in the future (technically until Wild Pyro dies). It also opens up better minion trades since Wild Pyro will have more health.
typical otk priest in new meta) fun deck
Northshire is always good to keep. acolyte is a great card vs control, and pyromancer + PW:S is good against aggro decks. Injured Blademaster + CoH is great so consider keeping it, especially against other priests since 4 attacks minions are hard for them to deal with. Hope this helps.
yes it helps thank you captain
Really good. 8-1 right now. Very gimmicky and you will feel like the deck sucks the entire time you play it but it pulls so many wins out of nowhere.
Any good replacements for Shadow Visions?
No. Shadow Visions is great for finding key combo pieces. There is no replacement, although card draw helps slightly.
It’s amazing, no jokes.
While the others are making theirs missions y just kill them with an 18/18. I’m 8-0 right now
Today I made a 104/104 Priest of the Feast. Fattest priest ever xD
this deck is deceptively very strong. the 2 mana 2/3 that lowers costs of spells + the 2 mana discover a spell allow for very cheap otk opportunities. I easily got 3 divine spirits and otk’ed someone.
This deck is garbage, plz remove
I’m doing pretty well so far with this. 5-1.
Rank 15 tho…
Coming from someone who im guessing has never used an OTK Priest before, am i right?
This deck is very good. learn how to play please. Got to rank 8 from rank 14 with this deck. Crushes rogue questers if played correctly or any other decks for the matter since Rogue Quest is probably tier 1 atm. One change i made to the deck was instead of having an extra Injured blademaster, i put in a Questing Adventurer into the deck. Questing Adventurer is really good if pushed to late game and can constantly free play cards with the right combo.
Just started playing this. I opened Lyra in the first packs. Added questing too, seems like a good late-game play. Any tips for play against Rogue?
Be very aggressive, they are working on their own game so intently usually that if you try to buff up any minion you can get to stick quickly before they get their quest up you will win.
Do you get to keep the cards from Elise?!!!!
Plz unninstall
Hehe, I love you for asking that