J4CKIECHAN’S Legend Elemental Hagatha Shudderwock Shaman
- 0Zap!2
- 1Earth Shock1
- 3Hex2
- 3Lightning Storm2
- 5Volcano2
- 7Kalimos, Primal Lord1
- 8Hagatha the Witch1
- 9Shudderwock1
Learn how to play this archetype with our Shudderwock Shaman Deck List Guide.
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Why is there no Grumble in this deck?
And what about Far Sight if you don’t have Harrison
Does Conditional Battlecries works with shrudderwok too? I mean ” If u play an elemental last turn, discover/gain divine shield etc..
It works but you have to play an elemental the turn before shudderwock. The actual minion with the battlecry only needs to be played, it doesn’t need to activate it’s own bc. Also keep in mind that all discover/choose one effects will be random with shudderwock.
ty fam
i replaced mind control tech with healing rain bc healing rained does help more later in a game.
Really bad, you need the trigger!
why is there a earth shock in this deck?
You are right, there should be two. I added an extra one
The value of silence has increased drastically for basically cubelock alone which makes having any form of silence worth it.
I have an issue with running keleseth and elise in the same deck, as the pack will make keleseth useless if you get him after playing elise, and shudderwok having both battlecries will only add more packs.
That is correct sir, but the idea is that once you played elise you actually do not need the buff from keleseth since you are already well tapped into the game. This is why you cast the witchwood piper prior to elise!
I’ve been playing around with this in legend rank since it’s been posted with incredible success. So far I’ve not really ran into any god awful match ups. Agro mage has given me the most difficulty, but aside from that, no real problems. I’m considering teaching Tinkmaster Overspark to assist with the Taunt Druid matchup.
I like how this deck can be played as Aggro, mid range or control. It’s a very versatile and fun deck to play as it has random win conditions depending on how the game plays out.
Oh yeah. People mulligan and play horribly vs. you expecting the OTK Shaman deck, and before they realise it’s not it’s usually a bit too late.
Really like the idea of playing such a versatile deck. I just don’t have Kalimos. Was he vital to the deck in your experience? Thinking I can swap him for the discover an elemental guy?
I replaced:
1) Zola the Gorgon with Thrall, Deathseer
2) 1x Tol’vir Stoneshaper with 1x Earth shock
3) Kalimos, Primal Lord with Grumble, Worldshaker
The deck goes nuts!
Do you think that a list witout Keleseth can be played ? I’m F2P , and I have everything except him …
100% can be played. I have him, he’s useful but not necessary. But if you want to run this list without him, you might include some 2-drops.
Is Mind Control Tech a good card in the meta atm? I’ve been running a list very similar to this (minus the Pipers and Techs, plus Ardent Squires and Shards) to some success, but there can be a lot of dead draws with so many 1-drops. How easy is it to not only proc but also get something good off of Tech?
In my experience it goes off pretty often. May not get something great but even if you just steal a silver hand recruit (which is the worst case) it’s still a 3 mana 3/3 that pings for 1 and spawns a 1/1, which is pretty decent considering this is worst case.
There’s a fair number of wide boards in the game atm with even shaman, pally, tempo rogue, etc. I find it goes off pretty often, and the matchups that you won’t need it, you usually know you won’t need it and can just play it vanilla.
The deck seems interesting, as I love elemental shaman, but I have a few questions
First of all, when I play shudderwock, does mind control tech activate regardless of how many minions they have? or Is it like the elemental requirement and needs you to play a elemental before hand?
Second, is prince keleseth necessary ? I have all the cards but him, so I tried cutting him out, and Harrison and added 2 copies of earthen might, as I think it really nice to play on your firefly turn 2, and tar creepers on other turns.
It works just like the warden. I.e. if you play shudderwok and they only have 2 minions, you’re not going to steal one. Similarly, if the MCT triggers twice and they only had 4 minions, you’re only going to steal it once.
Whenever you get hung up wondering how shudder works, just imagine you were playing the card on that turn because that’s basically how it works for all interactions.
Cutting Harrison seems harsh. This deck doesn’t run much draw as it already cut mana tide,
*woops fat fingers hit post before I finished typing*
Yeah you’re gonna miss the card draw without Harrison. Not to mention weapon hate is important in this meta. I feel like keleseth is so strong that it’s going to be hard to replace. Perhaps you cut kele and elise for double banker? Not really a budget replacement as they are epics, but it’ll accomplish a similar goal as elise by (hopefully) shuffling in extra shudderwoks.
Mind control tech works well with Shutterwock since your stealing the enemies board. Works even better when you Zola another Mind tech out.
Elisa and Harrison seem rather unnecessary in this deck. Another slot would be better for a silence.
Elise lets you go against Control warriors and Fatigue locks because you keep bouncing shudderwock via Zola and adding packs to your deck. It’s also an incredible value engine. I dropped Harrison….for a Gluttonous. It’s really meta dependent. If you see weapons, keep the weapon hate. If you don’t drop it.
The Tol’vir are underperforming for me right now. Honestly, not sure what I’d add for them though. Deck is great though.
Servant of Kalimos could be nice replacement for the Tol’Vir.
Same elemental synergy but more card value overall. Pulling an Alakir or Grumble or even Kalimos is just too great (and fun).
Shudderwock does not have a 100% chance of copying himself
You cannot add silence minion due of Shudderwock. If you play before him after once you play Shudderwock, he can self silence :’)
Does that matter though? I thought Shudderwock finishes regardless of what happens to the original copy. Though I could be wrong.
Silence does not work for battlecry, it works for deathrattle.
Well that would be like saying that alexstrasza would work if you silence it.
Silencing himself will do almost nothing. It doesn’t stop the battlecry regardless of “how shudder works” because it’s a battlecry. Most of the battlecries he will be using are card generation and stuff. The worst thing that could happen is he will silence himself and lose the taunt/DS from warden, and that’s only if the silence battlecry triggers late in the sequence AND you get unlucky and he targets himself.
Im pretty sure he meant that it works like yogg saron. If he silences himself or kills himself the the card stops generating stuff