Irronman’s Tempo/Midrange Yogg-Saron Mage (Standard, May 2016, Season 26)

Class: Mage - Format: kraken - Type: tempo - Season: season-26 - Style: ladder - Meta Deck: Tempo Mage
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Irronman, of and The Forge Podcast hit #1 Legend with this Tempo-y Midrange Mage that features Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End. This is a deck that Amaz played around with early in the release of Whispers of the Old Gods, and is continuing to be fine tuned today.

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  1. BlackHammer
    May 11, 2016 at 12:45 AM

    Whats an alternative for arcane blast? Only have one of it and dont have enough dust to craft a second. Maybe a torch?

    • Evident - Author
      May 11, 2016 at 8:52 AM

      Forbidden Flame might work, there’s not much left in the way of removal spells for Mage that aren’t in this deck already. You could also go second Spellslinger and Flamestrike?