This deck provides INSANE face damage.
Possible combos:
Auchenai Soulpriest +2x Flash Heal +2x Mind Blast = 20 Face Damage.
Auchenai Soulpriest +2x Flash Heal +2x Light of Naaru = 16 Face Damage + 2 Minions
2x Zombie Chow + Auchenai + Circle of Healing = 10 Face Damage
Spawn of Shadows + Hero power = 4-7 Face Damage
Zombie Chow + Shadow hero power = 5 Face Damage
A lot of cards in this deck has cheap costs and can do insane ammount of damage in 1 turn, and there is enough other cards that can help you tu survive, like Shadow Word: Pain/Death, Holy Nova, Holy Fire. Also you can use Light of Naaru for healing or dealing damage with Auchenai. You also can consider changing some cards like 1 Azure Drake to Taurissan or others. You can do little damage from Shadowform to kill small minions.
It’s a Base set of cards, you can change some card in this deck to make this deck more viable.
How to do with big minions like Dr. Boom when you do not have Auchenai in play?
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