Goal of the Deck is to have an Infinite number of 5/5’s on board. The main difficulty is the early game against aggro, but once you are past that, the game becomes a breeze.
Why is X in the deck?
Guilded Gargoyle is in the deck to cheat out minions and control early. Seance is in to support coffin crasher. Spirit of the dead is to sacrifice a board full of Coffin Crashers and Zerek’s (provided they can revive/pull another from hand) and then to be pulled out by Bwonsamdi to continue the loop.
Why isn’t X in the deck
Most revive spells I found were too slow or unneccesary. Zerek and coffin crasher go infinite very easily. Same goes to targeting spells that supposedly help zerek. There are also so many spells in the deck that you honestly dont want to have a situation where your hand is full of support cards and not control cards. SO a lot of support had to be cut.
This deck is still a meme. Kinda crushes the control/OTK decks, but fails against aggro unless you get super lucky in the early game. Importantly however, its funny to have a board full of 5/5’s your opponent cant remove. Have fun!
Thanks for the deck!