General Mulligans
In the early game, you want something to slow the opponent down and keep them from doing too much damage. If you can draw the game out to turn 8-10, you're in good shape, but some aggro decks won't let you do that.
Sometimes I will play one copy of Immortal Prelate as a way to draw out a response--most opponents will kill it immediately, perhaps ignoring other threats or not attacking face. But you don't really want to play it until you can buff it immediately. That way, if you get it again, it's already stronger and a good value at 2 mana.
Aggro Mulligans
Consecration is not bad, but some board floods (wolves from Spellstone) have three health.
Control Mulligans
With a slow deck, you have more time to allow your strategy to develop.

I’ve been experimenting with a way to use the synergy between Immortal Prelate and Da Undatakah. This is the result. It is basically a Control Paladin build, that snowballs in the later game to close out the match.
There are a couple of win conditions for this deck. The primary win condition is, in the later stages of the game, to continue to draw buffed Immortal Prelates and Undatakahs which the opponent cannot counter. The deck has a lot of ways to draw or summon the Immortal Prelate, and if you have a Prelate on whom you’ve cast a Spikeridged Steed or Blessing of Kings, it can be hard to deal with.
The other win condition comes from Spirit of the Tiger. The deck has lots of spells, so if you can make a Spirit of the Tiger stick in the late game and cast 3 or 4 spells you end up with a lot of large minions for the opponent to deal with.
The deck also has a lot of healing, so it’s okay to take damage in the early game. It’s not hard, with Crystalsmith Kangor, to go from single digit health to full health in one or two turns. Shirvallah really helps with that.
The problem I’ve had with the deck is against Spell Hunter, which is really a problem in the current meta. It’s able to put out a lot of threats in the early game that are hard to deal with before you get rolling (wolves, companions), and it has a lot of ways to target minions, which makes it hard to keep a Prelate on the board long enough to buff it.