General Mulligans
Th mulligan choices are the same not matter who you are facing. Try to initially play on curve and then stock pile spells to enable some massive Lyra plays.
A fun, and surprisingly competitive, deck built with the sole purpose in mind of taking/getting your opponents cards and using them against them.

The absolute hero of the deck is Lyra The Sunshard. With enough spells in hand and a modicum of board control this deck is nigh on unstoppable.
I hope you enjoy playing this deck as much as I have.
The only difficult match ups are Pirate Warrior, Jade Druid and Quest Rogue. They are difficult but can be winnable with the right draw. Other aggro deck matches, like Hunter, are also winnable with the right draw. Midrange and control match ups are a walk in the park. Midrange Paladin and Tempo/Secret Mage get absolutely rekt by this deck.
Take your time … don’t rush it … and most importantly … HAVE FUN!!!