Is it possible to magnetize Prince Taldaram onto Zilliax? Or is that not working because he doesn’t have the Magnetic keyword as long he isn’t on the battlefield?
I think that the general consensus can agree that Cubelock since it’s nerf is more respectable than that Baku Keleseth BS, or all combo Druid decks for that matter.
I feel like replacing Shroom Brewer with Demonic Project.
Because that way atleast I have hope to defeat a shudder or togwaggle
Is it possible to magnetize Prince Taldaram onto Zilliax? Or is that not working because he doesn’t have the Magnetic keyword as long he isn’t on the battlefield?
Just curious …
Should I swap second faceless with twisting nether? twisting nether seems like an important card and can get you out of some nasty situations.
Replacement for Zilax?
The replacement for Zilliax is not being an ass-hat cube player. Play something respectable.
I think that the general consensus can agree that Cubelock since it’s nerf is more respectable than that Baku Keleseth BS, or all combo Druid decks for that matter.
define respectable. and why is this person not respectable for playing such a deck?
Second copy of Shroom Brewer, or a copy of Rotten Applebaum.