No, it isnt. I’ve been playing without it without any problems at all. If you replace it though, you may also want to replace some of the healing (I am also not running scalehide nor the 2nd truesilver)
Adjusted my even pally deck to exacly this list. Went from rank 24 to 12 with only 2 losses and havent lost yet to a cubelock or hydronox druid so yeah, i must agree. The ooze and spellbreakers are brutal vs cube, you usually are able to finish him off turn 9 when he plays a voidlord from hand, who gets silenced or destroyed by equality, tarim or some other answer. The druids have trouble dealing with a big board most of the game and when their taunts are all resumoned you just need to have saved equality+consacrate or avenging wrath. This version just seems so balanced. It has the right amount of catch-up mechanics, aggro, and board control, its the best deck i’ve played this expansion.
Any replacement for avenging wrath? I really don’t feel like crafting it.
Is glass knight really that vital ? Can it be replace ? I have all the cards except glass knight.
No, it isnt. I’ve been playing without it without any problems at all. If you replace it though, you may also want to replace some of the healing (I am also not running scalehide nor the 2nd truesilver)
I replaced it with the dragon that make the weapons costs 2 less
Perhaps a stupid question, but what’s with all the lists running avenging wrath suddenly?
I get that it’s good with equality and good vs odd paladin, but I’m surprised to see it pop up all of a sudden, especially over Spikeridge Steed!
I mean u basically answered ur own question on top of that if they full board clear u can put 8dmg face which is nice vs cube lock and other decks.
Best Genn-Paladin list I’ve seen so far. It almost has a positive winrate against Cubelock.
Adjusted my even pally deck to exacly this list. Went from rank 24 to 12 with only 2 losses and havent lost yet to a cubelock or hydronox druid so yeah, i must agree. The ooze and spellbreakers are brutal vs cube, you usually are able to finish him off turn 9 when he plays a voidlord from hand, who gets silenced or destroyed by equality, tarim or some other answer. The druids have trouble dealing with a big board most of the game and when their taunts are all resumoned you just need to have saved equality+consacrate or avenging wrath. This version just seems so balanced. It has the right amount of catch-up mechanics, aggro, and board control, its the best deck i’ve played this expansion.
Really nice deck for ladder!