Deck created by request from Sacrifyx
The combo of the deck is very simple (and fun) – you play two Hiking Trail on the board, and then two XB-931 Housekeeper. When you use the location, it refreshes itself because of the Housekeeper effect ( you have to be fast this turn! ). At the end you have 6 big taunt minions and a ton of armor.
Be careful of Reno decks, do not put your locations on the board preemptively. Also, you have even more armor gain in the deck with Frost Lotus Seedling and Armor Vendor .
The problem is what shell to use this combo in. It is a combo characteristic for control, but it requires you to be low on cards / hand space. Druid has bad board clears. That is why I am using the treant shell, which can take games by itself in the early game, or can exhaust your opponent`s removal options, so that you can win with your big taunts from your combo and your big health in fatigue.
Still, decks like Handbuff Paladin are just putting too much stats on the board for a class with such bad removal options like Druid. There is probably a better shell for this combo with spell damage and Tourist, but I am still looking for it. Maybe even Hydration Station shell somehow.
Tips: take taunts with elusive from the combo. They are stronger than regular taunts. Obviously, you want the biggest taunts possible.
Good luck with the deck. It is very fun to play.