Restart mulligan for Alarm-o-Bots and Naga Sea Witch.
Search for Kel'Thuzad and Taunt minions and swarm the board with Big dudes (Cheat them out with Alarm-o-Bot, Gather Your Party & Naga Sea Witch .
Stubborn Gastropod and your weapons are good to defend your Alarm-O-Bot.
Protect yourself with Justicar Trueheart to live long enough in phase 3.
You don’t need every exact same Big Minion, if you’re missing some of these, just ask for replacements.
Since Naga Sea Witch got nerfed I don’t recommend this deck anymore… #
Try out this variant:
Dont have naga sea witch, Im assuming thats important?
this deck was really strong before Naga Sea Witch got nerfed from 5 mana to 8. Before the nerf, Naga Sea Witch was incredible strong because it was possible to flood your board on turn 5 with 8/8 giants…
I think the deck isn’t viable without the Sea Witches.
But if I would sub cards I would play 2x Gather your Party and Woecleaver instead of the Witches and 1x Molten Giant.
Try out my Reno Big Warrior Variant because this deck here is really focused on the Sea Witch/Giant combo