Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
One of the interesting cards in The League of Explorers expansion is Unearthed Raptor. Raptor has many combos that would make it very strong, Nerubian Egg, Sylvanas Windrunner, and Piloted Shredder just to name a few. The rest of the deck is a bit more minion based, so it isn’t as spell heavy as your standard Rogue deck. We’ll see if this style of deck catches on!
I seriously f*cking hate that deck version. It is no fun to play against and the “mind control” mechanic to it sucks hairy balls. Reminds me of playing against priest. With the exception that now everyone and their mother are playing it and are equally annoying.
Whatever happened to “think out your own deck”.
Can I play cairne instead of sylvanas?
Sylvanas is definitely better, but I think that’s a workable substitute.
I don’t think the oil is a good choice for this deck, any altenative options?
Post Kripp’s list, it is very strong. I went 12-1 in the space of two hours.
I’ll check it out, thanks!
What do the emperor use for?
and how can rogue with no flurry?
This is a more minion heavy deck so it’s less reliant on board clears. I’m not sure why he put Emperor in this deck.
I can’t seem to win with this deck… 0-5 loss streak!
Sorry mate, but your just not doing it right. Playing on curve and maintaining board control are the essentials to this deck. It’s not easy.
I think Amaz’s list is ideal with one Sprint! 11-2 win streak, haha!
Thx for the decklist.
Any suggestion for its replacement ?
Unfortunately I don’t have the prep
Prep is too essential in Rogue to replace, sorry.
This deck is dumb. Why preps and sprints? Hello loothoarder? There’s so many one and two mana deathrattle minions. You’ll never be able to play raptor on curve.
unearthed raptor is op…
the only problem i got with this deck, is that it have many cards that IF your are winning, then you win more… but when you have to fight from behind, is really really hard to get back on the game
Why Brann?
I think Amaz raptor deck is much stronger
UNEARTHED RAPTOR has bug just now…
Blizzard have said they have fixed this now.
it’s bugged. i copied sylvana’s, stole a dr. boom, but it got back to the enemy.
I know that people want to use Brann because hes the hot new legendary but I think that Baron Rivendere contributes a little more than Brann in this deck.
raptor can copy death rattle twice SO LIKE DOUBLE STEALS
Brann is very good with Unearthed Raptor, not to mention the deck is running Defender of Argus, Azure Drakes and Antique Healbots. Additionally, the big difference between Baron Rivendare on Brann is the stat-cost ratio. Playing Brann as a vanilla 2/4 for 3 is actually fine againt the aggro matchup, and saving him to combo with Raptor or Argus is great in the slower ones. Rivendare, by comparison is very weak on turn 4. I think Brann is a much better choice in the deck than rivendare
Definately not. With Brann you can control its effect way better than baron rivendare.
Healbot heals 16
Argus gives +2/+2
Azure drake draws 2 cards
and Raptor get double deathrattle effect
On the other hand. Rogue will always be a tempo orrientated play-style and rivendare you’ve got to make a lot of trades.
Any replace for sylvanas and thalnos?
Throw in a second Tinker’s Sharpsword Oil, and maybe a Haunted Creeper. You could also consider Piloted Sky Golem for Sylvanas, because it gives the Raptor another Deathrattle to copy.
any replacement for bloodmage?
I’d try a Haunted Creeper for a Deathrattle, or just go with a second Tinker’s Sharpsword Oil.
loot hoarder, novice engineer, kobold geo