Brann Bronzebeard is looking like a staple in most Dragon decks. The Dragon cards just have such powerful battlecries, e.g., six damage Blackwing Corruptor, 12+ health Twilight Drakes, and 2 cards from Azure Drake! These are just some of the possibilities of what Brann can bring to the table. This deck is more control based because it doesn’t rely so heavily on Savage Roar and Force of Nature. You’ll be using your ramp cards to get to your strong Dragons, and once there your opponent will struggle to get them off the board. Brann can be used for defending against early aggro, but it’s best reserved for getting at least one strong trigger from a battlecry. This is a well-rounded deck, and got Hotform to legend this season!
Watch Hotform play this deck here.
Can i use oracle as a replacement for nourish? Nourish is kinda slow for this deck i guess. Or maybe HJ for late game purposes against controls?
I think you can live without Nourish, I might try a Mind Control Tech.
Any replacement for 2 Twilight Guardian
I don’t think you can play this deck without them.
Sludge Belcher?
Any replacement for bronzebeard?
Second Twilight Drake.
So second bgh for rend, if I’ve no sucess with Alex, could nef be a good switch ? Dragon for Dragon for same stats ? Need to keep ysera
Sounds reasonable.
I was thinking of putting in Aviana to spice things up in this deck. Do you think Aviana would fit or nah?
It probably doesn’t fit, but you could try it!
This is a really fun deck to play! I’m having a huge amount of success with it. I am just having a difficult time with mages. Any suggestions to make this stronger against tempo mages? Other than that my win rate is almost 100% with all other classes. Thanks !
Replacement for nourish?
Second Twilight Drake.
24 – 5 winrate , from 4th rank to legend in last season, worked nice
i put chillmaw insted off rend blackhand
I did the same and would recommend this to anyone trying this deck. While Rend can be really swingy at times, Chillmaw adds consistency to the deck as it’s another dragon and has better stats (in a the sense that it doesn’t die to the next best 3/4 drop or even cheap damage-based removal). Also it has taunt, which I found especially important against hunters. Played this deck from rank 5 to rank 1 over the last week by the way, so I would assume that I’m doing something right with it.
there is a viable replacement for bronzebeard or twilight guardian?
Twilight Guardian is probably the most important Dragon so I would say no.
aviana is a god choice to change by an ancient of lore ?
I don’t think so.
Fun deck! And guys – really liking the site – just one thing; the order of the cards in your deck listing is all over the shop – makes it frustrating to netdeck
Would be much better if they were in the same order as in the game.
Thanks, I hope to be adding that soon!
Do Rend Blackhand can kill 2 legendaries on Bronzebeard effect?
No, just one.
I’ve played this deck for 15-20 games around rank 5. My starting hands often look very clunky and slow but somehow you find a way to get back into the game. I’ll see how far this deck takes me with a little more practice. I swapped Rend Blackhand for Chillmaw, because I found myself missing dragons in my hand a couple of times. Also Chillmaw is such a good roadblock against aggressive decks, if you can ramp into him quick enough.
ET and Alex don’t seem like they do much here. Thoughts on Nefarian and Chillmaw instead? Maybe Boom just cuz he’s the best?
Alex helped me out sometimes against aggros…
Replace of ET might be worth it (for boom or a big dragon),
but sometimes ET helpes you for bronzebeard combos….
The first match was a nice opening in round 2,
with coin bronzebeard and innervate aspirant…
Rogue (deathraddle) WIN
Warlock (handlock) WIN
Rogue (miracle) WIN
Warlock (handlock) WIN
Hunter (midrange, control) WIN
Priest (velen) WIN
Hunter (smorc…) LOSS
Warrior (control, double brawl) LOSS
Hunter (midrange) LOSS
Warlock (zoo) LOSS
Rogue (deathraddle) WIN
Hunter (fatigue ?!) WIN (jackson, taurissan and lock and load :D)
Hunter (midrange) LOSS
Hunter (face) LOSS
Shaman (overload, aggro) LOSS
Mage (casino) WIN
Druid (aggro) WIN
Hunter (aggro) WIN
Hunter (aggro) WIN
Shaman (aggro, overload) LOSS
==> 20 Matches: 12 Wins / 8 Loss => 60% Winrate
… was looking really good in the beginning, ended up in a not OP deck but still pretty good
btw.: played from Rang 11 to 9
thanks for info =)
Black knight? No u think bgh better?
The Black Knight has been fairly weak for a while, it usually ends up only hitting a Sludge Belcher. BGH will take care of most of the big threat minions.
Rend blackhand replacement ?
Second BGH or Twilight Drake.
I would use Mulch over a 2nd BGH if looking for a Rend replacement. Mulch is hard removal that is non-situational where BGH is limited to a 7+ attack minion. Yes, there’s a drawback in that they add a random minion to their hand, but it is totally random and includes all minions in the game, many of which are bad. I plan to try this deck as is and even replacing the 1 BGH with a Mulch and see how each does.
Rend can kill 2 legendaries?
No, it can only target one.