Holy Wrath Paladin

Class: Paladin - Format: kraken - Type: combo - Season: season-36

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General Mulligans

You always keep your pirate and NEVER Patches. Argent squire is a solid one drop so it is an automatic keep. Small-time recruits and Mysterious challenger can give you amazing value and tempo in addition of emptying your deck from its "bad" card transforming all your topdeck in powerfull one.

Holy Wrath  + Molten Giant combo sounds stupid ? You might reconsider it after you give it a try. Even if the deck lack a little bit of consistency it is one of the funniest deck i’ve ever played.

I will explain how the deck works then you could imagine variants that might work fine too.

The deck is actually really close to an aggro paladin deck, you want to put as much pressure as possible in the early game using your 1 drops. This also the reason why this deck has only 1 Equality and 0 Wild Pyromancer. You are the aggressor.

You will run out of card approaching turn 5, that’s why you really rely on Small-Time Recruits and Mysterious Challenger to empy your deck of cards that cost only 1 mana. At this stage of the game, anycard you topdeck might be very usefull (expect Molten Giant ), furthermore the average mana cost of your remaining card will be quite high and that’s why Holy wrath become a good card.

In the late game, you just have to enjoy playing big legendaries one after the other and then smash your opponent with a casual 5 mana spell that deals 25 dammage. πŸ™‚

With Mysterious challenger rotating out of standard we’ll have to explore new ways to draw or remove specifics card from the deck, curator + finja seems to be good pretendents.

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