Holy Paladin PIP

Class: Paladin - Format: pegasus - Type: aggro - Season: season-124 - Style: theorycraft

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Setting up Lifesaver Aura on turn 1 might be pretty solid. Spotlight is a great follow up if you have Divine Brew, Rightneous Protector and/or Hi Ho Silverwing. Flickering Lightbot regular form could cost 0-Mana if your hand is good enough. Having the Gorgonzormu's spell as soon as possible is also good, giving it more time to scale while not relying on play only after turn 10 or so. Trinket Artist gets worse later as you can draw your only Aura and Divine Shield minions through the game, but its very good early on to tutoring those and make your average draw per turn better!

So this is a straight forward Holy Paladin: play cheap spells, discount some cards and put a lot of status on the board. But if your opponent deals with it, don’t worry! There’s a sneaky OTK you can pull off as well with the star of the deck: Sunsapper Lynessa!

The Idea:

With Perils in Paradise, Paladin got a really cool package that works pretty well together. First, we have Divine Brew and Lifesaving Aura, cheap spells that you can target your minions with it – or even yourself – and discount the Sea Shanty in the process! And since a the Divine Brew gives you 3 Holy spells for a single card, playing Flickering Lightbot in its regular and Gigantic forms for low mana is a possibility. With these cards, you might be able to have a huge turn early in the game and pressure your opponent!

The second part of the deck goes around Sunsapper Lynessa, where you play her alongside Oh, Manager! and Holy Glowsticks, doubling its effects and dealing a lot of damage out of nowhere! There’s also a few other uses for her that I’ll get into below.

The Tools:

This build relies on two things Paladins are know for: Holy spells and Divine Shield. Here, they have some overlap to make the strategy more consistent.

1 | There’s a couple Divine Shield minions you can play early in the game. Righteous Protector is one of the best 1-Drops the class has available and Hi Ho Silverwing is specially good because it draws you a Holy spell when it dies. Spotlight is a great follow up for both, dumping huge stats on the board for cheap. Important to notice you can use it with Divine Brew targeting yourself if you don’t have the minions!
2 | The card draw is in charge of Trinket Artist and Grillmaster. They can find you the 1-Mana spells and in the case of the last one it can also pull your bombs out of the deck.
3 | Gorgonzormu and Sanc'Azel are incredible cards that enhances the deck power, giving you minions to target with your spells of buffing the ones that are already in play.
4 | The mana discount is very present here. As I said before, Sea Shanty and Flickering Lightbot are the payoffs of this brew, but you also have Sea Shill to discount your Paladin cards, Oh, Maganager! to generate coins and help you advance your gameplan and Sunsapper Lynessa to give your cheap spells extra value. Holy Glowsticks is also very easy to play for 1-Mana.
5 | For extra gas, Tidepool Pupil and Photographer Fizzle lets you play extra copies of some cards. You can either go for a more tempo or combo approach with them.

Combos with Sunsapper Lynessa:

1 | The first one is the burst combo. You can do it by playing a couple Oh, Maganer! and Holy Glowsticks. If you set things properly, you can deal +40 damage in one turn, but you can also take advantage of the damage your minions has dealt throughout the game to just use this play to finish the opponent for less!
2 | If you get to a point where Sea Shanty is 2-Mana or less, you can play it with Lynessa to summon six 5/5 instead of the normal three!
3 | Playing Gorgonzormu and hanging on its spell for a while might pay you back in a future turn, where you can summon six X-Cost minions to really go wide!
4 | Lynessa lets you have double the cards from Photographer Fizzle Snapshot! Just be careful to manage your hand size in the process to not lose this extra value!

Some Options:

This deck is just a theorycraft where I put cards I thought could work pretty well together, but there’s obviously room for improvement! Here’s a few possibilities I found interesting to test as well: 

1 | Service Ace and Greedy Partner might be good if you want to play things even faster!
2 | Adaptive Amalgam could be a cool 1-Drop if the deck lacks board presence early on while also being able to grow a lot with Sanc'Azel giving it attack and Rush. It can also be good to give it Divine Shield with Divine BrewDrone Deconstructor is a possibility as well, giving you mechs with great effects to magnetize to the Amalgam or Flickering Lightbot.
3 | MixologistGriftah, Trusted Vendor and Carry-On Grub gives you cool 1-Mana spells to play along side Lynessa Sunsapper.
4 | If you want to play more towards the Divine Shield strategy, Funkfin and Jitterbug could work nicely with Divine Brew and Spotlight.
5 | Lay Down the Law is one of the best options I can think of if you somehow need removal.

That’s it for the deck!! Might not be Tier 1 during Perils in Paradise expasion but I trully believe it has potential to be upgraded with time if we keep getting suport for it!

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