Highlander Rogue – #49 Legend (北极星) – Darkmoon Races
- 0Backstab1
- 0Preparation1
- 0Shadowstep1
- 1Blackjack Stunner1
- 1Dragon’s Hoard1
- 1Pharaoh Cat1
- 1Prize Plunderer1
- 1Wand Thief1
- 2Ambush1
- 2Bamboozle1
- 2Dirty Tricks1
- 2Eviscerate1
- 2Foxy Fraud1
- 2Nitroboost Poison1
- 2Plagiarize1
- 2Secret Passage1
- 2Shadowjeweler Hanar1
- 2Swindle1
- 2Tenwu of the Red Smoke1
- 2Underbelly Fence1
- 3EVIL Miscreant1
- 3Sparkjoy Cheat1
- 4Potion of Illusion1
- 4Vendetta1
- 5Jandice Barov1
- 5Keywarden Ivory1