Highlander Paladin Theorycraft Scholomance
- 1Aldor Attendant1
- 1Shield of Honor1
- 1Wave of Apathy1
- 2Argent Braggart1
- 2Hand of A’dal1
- 2Murgur Murgurgle1
- 2Sir Finley of the Sands1
- 3Call to Adventure1
- 3Consecration1
- 3Goody Two-Shields1
- 3Lord Barov1
- 3Salhet’s Pride1
- 3Underlight Angling Rod1
- 4Blessing of Kings1
- 4High Abbess Alura1
- 5Aldor Truthseeker1
- 5Blessing of Authority1
- 5Libram of Justice1
- 6Devout Pupil1
- 7Lady Liadrin1
- 8Tirion Fordring1
- 9Libram of Hope1