Highlander Hunter
- 1Secret Plan1
- 1Shimmerfly1
- 1Tracking1
- 2Bomb Toss1
- 2Explosive Trap1
- 2Freezing Trap1
- 2Rat Trap1
- 2Snake Trap1
- 2Snipe1
- 3Animal Companion1
- 3Deadly Shot1
- 3Eaglehorn Bow1
- 3Nine Lives1
- 3Spider Bomb1
- 3Unleash the Hounds1
- 4Houndmaster Shaw1
- 4Marked Shot1
- 4Wing Blast1
- 5Baited Arrow1
- 5Explosive Shot1
- 6Savannah Highmane1
- 6Unleash the Beast1
- 7Dinotamer Brann1
- 9King Krush1
- 10Zul’jin1