General Mulligans
As far as mulligans, priorities are cards to combat Aggro decks, so Doomsayer, Frostbolt, and Prim Glyph excel here. Firetree Witchdoctor is a great two drop, while Frizz can legitimately just flat out win games; sometimes I mulligan away my whole hand for her because playing her improves your win rate ridiculously.
Fair Warning- this deck is odd. It doesn’t have a core theme and does a lot. For that reason, I actually think you can have a lot of fun with this deck. For Example, I tried Coldarra Drake and Fallen Hero to some success in this deck, as well as a Mana Cyclone and Elemental Evocation package. This deck has a lot of room for improvement but it’s a ton of fun to play. Its main weakness is aggro, but it can compete well against Reno Mage and it’s fast enough to compete with some Combo decks like Mecathun. Once the Reno hero card comes out I expect it to get even better.