I agree with Voodoomx, i’ve played a couple of games with this deck and i often got cucked by not drawing Breath of dreams and sitting with dead Zephrys and Alex in hand (EX: my shaman opponent has 6 HP and my Zephrys is not active, he has time to find Galakrond and wins the game because of it). I’m pretty sure you just play Wild growth instead of 1 Breath, it’s way more consistent.
Highlander deck with 2 copies of Breath of Dreams?
Brewmaster needs more love.
Battle cry, brewmaster, battle cry again… There are so many nice combos in here.
Isn’t Satellite the one who came up with spiteful summoner priest? Glad he’s still at it breaking the meta lol
why are their two fucking breath of dreams in this deck lmfao
Because the card is insane, you hard mulligan for it and get one copy of it before you play your Highlander cards 90% of time?
I mean, Quest Druid which runs tons of duplicates plays Elise & Zephrys… so I don’t see how a single duplicate would be such big of a deal.
Probably the same guy who’s thinking why the fuck is Zephyrus in Holy wrath paladin
I agree with Voodoomx, i’ve played a couple of games with this deck and i often got cucked by not drawing Breath of dreams and sitting with dead Zephrys and Alex in hand (EX: my shaman opponent has 6 HP and my Zephrys is not active, he has time to find Galakrond and wins the game because of it). I’m pretty sure you just play Wild growth instead of 1 Breath, it’s way more consistent.
I miss new Ysera dragon in the list, I supose that the 7 “Dream Portals” negates the singleton condition of the deck…
It’s a real shame
I play her in my deck kinda like Archivist Elysiana, for anti-fatigue 🙂 Make sure you play your highlander decks before playing her tho xD
How does Newzera help with fatigue? My understanding was that when you draw the portal, it automatically activates and draws another card