Highlander Aggro Paladin
- 1Blessing of Might1
- 1Blessing of Wisdom1
- 1Brazen Zealot1
- 1Imprisoned Sungill1
- 1Righteous Cause1
- 2Air Raid1
- 2Hand of A’dal1
- 2Micro Mummy1
- 2Murgur Murgurgle1
- 2Sandwasp Queen1
- 2Shotbot1
- 2Sir Finley of the Sands1
- 3Aldor Peacekeeper1
- 3Bronze Explorer1
- 3Call to Adventure1
- 3Hammer of Wrath1
- 3Salhet’s Pride1
- 3Sky Claw1
- 3Sword of Justice1
- 3Underlight Angling Rod1
- 4Blessing of Kings1
- 4Truesilver Champion1