Heroic Terestian Illhoof AOE Mage Deck List

Class: Mage - Style: adventure-mode

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There are likely some sub-optimal cards in this list, but the key cards here would be Explosive Sheep, Deathlord, and Lil' Exorcist. You are hoping Illhoof basically fills his board with Icky Imp (Heroic) which he will happily run into your taunts. You can then sweep them with your AOE spells and Explosive Sheep to do quite a bit of damage.

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  1. DarkPrince
    August 25, 2016 at 5:47 PM

    I won on my 3rd try with this deck.
    But I did 2 changes that was crucial, I think :
    -2 Mana Wirm == > +2 Abomination
    -2 Arcane Missiles == > +2 Annoy-o-Tron

    P.S.> Very nice work with this site, I’m font of it 😀