Heroic Nightbane Control Paladin Deck List

Class: Paladin - Type: control - Style: adventure-mode

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Nightbane’s Hero Power starts both players at 10 mana crystals, so you’ll want to stuff your deck with cheap removal and large minions. Kel'Thuzad is particularly good because you can trade into his big minions while recuperating your board. Paladin has solid removal, but also has good healing to deal with an early Alexstrasza that Nightbane has in his deck. You do need to consider trading pretty heavily due to the fact that he also runs Ancestral Spirit and Reincarnate. This boss could also likely be done with a tech’d Control Warrior for the Execute and Brawl. A lot of these cards can be swapped for whatever you have, I didn’t get a chance to use Holy Wrath but it might be good removal due to all the high cost cards in your deck.

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  1. AstraLa
    August 26, 2016 at 2:13 AM

    Changed Sneed for Y’shaarj – still worked 🙂

  2. Terry
    August 25, 2016 at 9:48 PM

    I dun have holy wrath, what’s the replacement?