The deck is made to deal with otk decks such as Maly Druid, Togwaggle Druid or Shudderwock Shaman, whilst still being able to consistently beat aggro. If you feel like it lacks the “control” aspect just take out Fledgling, Town Crier, Frothing Beserker, Rapid Worgen and Festerroot Hulk, for Elise, the Trailblazer, Zola the Gorgon and Direhorn Hatchling. If you want more tempo, just remove Baku the Mooneater and go look up a Tempo Warrior decklist.
Real bad deck
The deck is made to deal with otk decks such as Maly Druid, Togwaggle Druid or Shudderwock Shaman, whilst still being able to consistently beat aggro. If you feel like it lacks the “control” aspect just take out Fledgling, Town Crier, Frothing Beserker, Rapid Worgen and Festerroot Hulk, for Elise, the Trailblazer, Zola the Gorgon and Direhorn Hatchling. If you want more tempo, just remove Baku the Mooneater and go look up a Tempo Warrior decklist.