This deck is a handlock druid deck, try to control the board and have big minions to win. The big minion is usually handlock minion, but could be other minions to like dragons which is also in the deck. (I am not a deck expert so sorry if there is some bad stuff abort this deck).
To gain a large hand with this deck you either draw cards from your deck with Cards like Nourish. The other way which is essential in this deck is to gain a large hand by adding cards like adding treants with Witchwood Apple.
Most of the spells in this deck is for control.
The best start you can have according to me is if you have some Cards to add for example Witchwood Apple or acornbearer and some handlock minion like Mountain Giant or Twilight Drake.
Breath of Dreams is there for tempo because most of the Cards is not cheap so in the early game need to control the board and later when you have the chance push the opponent with unstabable giants.
You can replace some card which in my case would be Ysera, Unleashed with any card, it could be some more giant minion (like Ysera, Unleashed or control card or card add card.