General Mulligans
In general, you kinda want to fill your hand with minions and buff them. Turn one, Crystology is what you'll want every game. Samuro is almost always a keep. The bigger you can get him, the better. Basically, if it draws and pumps, keep it.
The one of charger’s package. Argent Horserider for the tutor with Salhet's Pride , Chillblade Champion for health, and Leeroy Jenkins for the kill. New cards we have Alliance Bannerman a new hand buff and minion draw, basically a new staple for the deck. One of Catacomb Guard to deal with pesky minions and heal. This deck was built with the thought that aggro is going to dominate wild in the beginning of the United in Stormwind expansion, this is why Saronite Chain Gang and Righteous Protector are in the deck as well. The last new card is Battlegrounds Battlemaster . This card is going to be another staple in the deck. It’s a betterZephrys the Great s thanks to not having deck restrictions, and it is better than Blessed Champion thanks to doubling two creatures instead of one.