Hand Buff C’thun

Class: Paladin - Format: mammoth - Type: control - Season: season-42 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Priority: Hand buffs

If you have them in the starting hand: Card draw / C'thun buffs

Aggro Mulligans

We don't have much for turn one, so we want to rush Smuggler's Run if we have it, and keep our low-cost minions. 

The reason we aren't holding Grimestreet Outfitter is because he would only be a 2/2 at best, and a 1/1 at worst. Against aggro, we are looking for favorable trades, making removal and divine shield highly valued. 

Control Mulligans

Control decks are slow decks with cards like Acolyte of Pain, Loot Hoarder, and early weapons and spells, these cards aren't really trying to stick around except for Drakkari, however the reason we want Drakkari in our hand isn't to play her at turn three (After all, our best play after is an awkward turn 4 Twilight Elder or coin Enforcer, but we wouldn't have many cards in our hand then.) Our goal with her is to use Smuggler's Run and Grimestreet Outfitter to buff her to a 6 or 7 health minion, play Coldlight turn 3 for cards, and play a second Smuggler's Run into Drakkari, or Drakkari with Righteous Protector. She's good alone, but if we can get her a bit higher or more protected, the better for a turn five Grimestreet Enforcer.

I would just like to put up a warning, I’m not a high-rank player, I just wanted to have some fun while playing Hearthstone.

Currently, I’ve played a handful of games using this general list, and found myself fighting a bunch of control and midrange decks, I’m at rank 16 with two stars at the time of writing this list.

Also, I am a mostly F2P player, the only set I’ve purchased was the pre-release for KFT, and even then there are only three epics and two rares from that set here.

Why Hand Buff and C’thun?

The reason for the two different packages (Hand buff and C’thun) is because of the win condition.

The first option allows you to create gigantic minions, primarily with Saronite Chain Gang paired with another card, usually already on the board or another card such as Corpsetaker

The second option makes it so that we have a fairly consistent win condition, with a gigantic C'Thun

There is also an overlap, with Grimestreet EnforcerTwilight Elder, and Drakkari Enchanter. These are all end of turn effects, making your hand and C’thun massive.

C’thun also covers a massive drawback of Hand buff, the lack of removal and board clears. We can cover this area with buffed up Disciple of C'Thun which could easily be a 3/2 or 4/3 deal 2, and still buff C’thun. Of course we also have C'Thun himself, which I have had no problem building him to a 14/14 almost every game. This goes double if you can draw C’thun around turn 6-7 when you have Grimestreet Enforcer, especially if paired with Drakkari Enchanter.

Mulligan Explanation

Ideally, we are aiming to create big dudes, this deck performs exceptionally well if you go second with a good start.

We just want our early game, we don’t particularly care what it is, so long as we can start buffing with Smuggler's Run or Grimestreet Outfitter our early game becomes so much stronger.


Ideally, we have one of the two cards listed in the Mulligan Explanation, and if we have both, almost always we are going to want to play them on curve.

The problem with Hand Buff Paladin is that we are required to have a hand (generally we want to be buffing one good card (such as a future Grimestreet Enforcer or Saronite Chain Gang) and another, or three plus cards.)

To solve this problem I’ve added in multiple card draw mechanics. Since this deck targets mostly Control styled decks, Coldlight Oracle generally ends up milling them a card or two, which isn’t much, but the goal is fast card draw for us. Similarly due to their generally larger hand, we use Divine Favor to catch up and gain massive buffs. We also have Fight Promoter due to the nature of the deck, we often do have minions with 6+ health on the board, and if not, we can easily buff her to be a 6 health minion and have her trigger her own battlecry.

The reason for only having one of each, is because against an Aggro deck, they are terrible with Coldlight being a hindrance, and Divine Favor being nearly useless. I used to run two Coldlights, but the draws were usually weak and the 2/2 or 3/3 body generally wasn’t useful past turn 4.

The main goal is to get Drakkari Enchanter with Grimestreet Enforcer, often times I lead with Drakkari (who tends to be a 2/6 or 3/7, having a good survivability on its own, and no apparent threat) into Enforcer or Twilight Elder.

This is because although buffing C’thun by 2/2 at the end of every turn is good, we can just as quickly accomplish that with any other C’thun card in our deck, so it’s not our priority, plus C’thun is a ten cost minion, making it unplayable ’till at least turn nine if you have coin. Our main priority is to have a ton of huge minions at the ready.

Card Substitutions

Okay, so what if you don’t have cards like, Ragnaros, LightlordC'ThunCorpsetaker or various other cards?

The primary goal of the deck is Handbuff with our star cards Grimestreet Enforcer and Drakkari Enchanter, those cards are the deck’s linchpin. 

If you want, you could run cards like Lich King, Ysera, and various other legendaries if you have them. Of course if you wanted to run a budget version, or don’t have C’thun, that’s another story.

If you have completed One Night in Karazhan, I’d try out a Menagerie version, replacing the C’thun package with a Murloc/Beast/Dragon deck. (Warleader for Elder, Bluegil for Disciple, Stampeding Kodo or Gentle Megasaur for C’thun’s Chosen, or even Primordial Drake if you have him)

There are numerous variances you could make for this deck.

Currently, I have three decks, this is my current play-test deck, I have the above listed Menagerie version, and a full on Aggro-Dragon deck with Cobalt Scalebanes and Bonemare taking up places for C’thun cards.

Is this deck good? Maybe not, but it sure is fun to see the C’thun counter be 12/12 and have an extra 6 hand buff for a surprise 18/18 C’thun (As the C’thun buffs that are shown only show C’thun’s stats + C’thun buffs, not hand buffs). It’s probably my favorite deck since Brian Kibler’s Reno Shadowpriest deck for Year of the Kraken.

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  1. TheGoat0322
    October 4, 2017 at 4:08 PM

    this deck looks like fun

  2. TAbril
    October 3, 2017 at 7:55 AM

    When testing I would make some changes, but I really love the deck idea.