hand buff
- 1Blessing of Wisdom1
- 1Hand of Protection1
- 1Noble Sacrifice1
- 1Righteous Protector1
- 1The Last Kaleidosaur1
- 2Cathedral Gargoyle1
- 2Desperate Stand1
- 2Potion of Heroism1
- 2Primalfin Champion1
- 2Sound the Bells!1
- 3Aldor Peacekeeper1
- 3Howling Commander1
- 3Paragon of Light1
- 4Bellringer Sentry1
- 4Blessing of Kings1
- 4The Glass Knight1
- 4Truesilver Champion1
- 6Spikeridged Steed1
- 6Sunkeeper Tarim1
- 7Dinosize1
- 7Lynessa Sunsorrow1
- 8Tirion Fordring1
- 3Acolyte of Pain1
- 3The Voraxx1
- 4Corpsetaker1
- 4Cult Master1
- 5Green Jelly1
- 10Ultrasaur1
- 12Mountain Giant2