Hag Love Shaman

Class: Shaman - Format: pegasus - Season: season-124 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Always keep hag totem and sigil

Bellhop is good on the play and going second if you don't have a good 4 to coin.

Cabaret is a decent keep going second, might only be correct with a good spell to discount

Stomper is ok to keep if you already have a decent hand and are vs druid/warrior.

Went 18-6 first day of xpac.

Plays endless boards into control and finished games with steady pressure or bloodlust from gift.

Vs aggro frosty decor ends games and vs combo you need the speaker stompers.

Would probably change the cheese dragon for thalnos which has great synergy with malted magma and adds a little bit of draw.

Happy with the bellhop but it is certainly one of the weaker cards in the deck, everything else feels strong.

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