Guff C’thun OTK

Class: Druid - Format: gryphon - Type: control - Season: season-93 - Style: ladder

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First, a deck tracker will really help to play this deck.

The main idea is to draw through the deck and finish with multiple C’Thun’s, if possible.

Edit: I’ve simplified and added some cards that draw through or thin the deck.

Use the + attack cards to control and survive the early game and progress the questline, which gives armor. In general, mulligan for the cards that help complete the questline. Watch out for decks that might run the new trogg.

The Guff from the questline is not the main win con, but it can do massive damage. Combo it with mark of the spikeshell and, if possible, solar eclipse. Best in the shell and umbra owl will help control the board vs hyper aggro such as pirate warrior and aggro druid. I tailored the deck until I could win vs them. The deck has generally done well vs control (e.g. 6-2 vs warlock and 3-2 vs priest). The Guff questline creature is good vs warlock and C’thun can mostly handle priest.

Use Wildheart Guff to gain crystals and draw through the deck. Use Yogg as a swing turn or game ender. In my experience, it’s better to ramp on lower crystals, if possible, and draw later. That way each future turn gets stronger.

Finish the C’thun quest, then use Moonlit Guidance to draw multiple copies of C’thun. Finally, finish with C’thun. If you have 20 mana crystals from the Guff hero at that point, you can play two C’thuns for 60 damage in one turn.

This is a really fun deck that I was able to use to climb from diamond rank 5 to 3. Win rate of 55%, including earlier versions.

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