This deck is from Blizzard’s Off-Meta Spotlight #4, here’s what they had to say about it:
“Our first deck comes to us from Growgo on the EU server. Winning 63% of his matches over an amazing 149 games played, Growgo showed true dedication and skill with this build. His take on Warrior looks to gain armor and control the board before eventually winning with Coldlight Oracle and Dead Man’s Hand. That win percentage over 149 games show how consistent this deck can be once you learn its ins and outs.”
absolutely wrecks aggro paladin
its a wrong list… my real list : AAECAQcGS/wEkQaN0gKf0wKk5wIMogT4B/8Hsgj7DLnDAt/EAszNAo7OAvHTAsrnAs/nAgA=
Can’t see your linked deck unfortunately
how different is it from this list? Thanks!
Add me “Growgo#2669” =)
Interesting list with Marin/Reckless Fury/Gauntlet! Some of those techs are for certain matches I guess? Any tips would be appreciated.
Thanks for the list. What do you target with Dead Man’s Hand? I’m never sure when to use it. Thx.
I’m really enjoying this list. Thanks for sharing
Any advice to use it?
Good job mate! I need 3 cards, 2400 dust… Its a pitty doesnt play it ;(
fun to see a friends name pop-up on a hearthstonesite goodjob growgo!