General Mulligans
- Forbidden Healing (Heal up whenever you're low on health)
- Light's Justice (Take out minions hit with Repentance Secret)
- Humility (Nuetralize big minions)
- Redemption (Revive your Silent Knight)
- Repentence (Make targets 1 ping killable)
This deck takes advantage of the Turn 2 Doomsayer strategy and quickly follows it up with insane tempo. Turn 1 try to play Light’s justice or Redemption. Turn 2 Doomsayer. Turn 3 Silent Knight. Turn 4 Blessing of Kings your Silent Knight and depending on urgency you can choose whether or not to kill your opponent’s minion. If you choose to keep it stealth then Turn 5 you can clone it with Faceless Manipulator. Turn 6 Mysterious Challenger is the big tempo swing where your opponent tries to figure out how to play around 5 of your secrets. Turn 7 Grimestreet Protector your surviving minions with divine shield to make them even more invulnerable. The rest of the Turns 8 – 10 are just big minions to solidify your victory.
Other Tips:
Against Y’shaarj Rogue or Warlock sometimes you can beat them and sometimes you just don’t get enough luck. Timing doomsayer to block the Turn 4 Barnes Y’shaarj combo delays them by 1 turn. Also you can Faceless Manipulator their Y’shaarj then coin Humility for a Turn 5 or 6 counter that sometimes works.