General Mulligans
The cards above are pretty much always keepers. Fiendish Circle and Mischievous Imp can be good keeps as well. Possibly Rafaam or Castastrophe (only if you're going first).
Wow did this deck surprise me. I have no idea why no one is playing this but it truly works. Try it for yourself. I ended with a positive winrate against rogue, demon hunter, and many other meta dominators and was taken aback by the consistency of this deck.
The strategy is to either play imps or eggs in the early game and pair it with descrated graveyard, Turning weak 1/1s and 0-attack eggs into 4/4s. In the midgame, flood the board with imps from Rafaam and big 5/8s with a mix of Acolyte + Shallow Grave + Devourer. Phylactery is great because your deck is almost always wide and makes your board very sticky.
Great deck. I had to replace Devourer of Souls but it is still performing very nicely.