Grand Spiteful Elemental Mage

Class: Mage - Format: mammoth - Type: midrange - Season: season-48 - Style: fun

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General Mulligans

In early turns use the freeze to delay opp.

Spiteful Summoner Grand Archivist Runs like Spiteful Dragon priest, basically minions with high cost spells triggered by Spiteful and Grand Archivist.

Spiteful’s impact is not as big in this version but the free minion is still good free 6 or 7 cost.

Free board wipes with Grand Archivist are where this deck shines. Flamestrike Blizzard

Archivist can only trigger once per each spell. After a spell has been triggered once it is will rotate to next untriggered spell. Watch out once your free cast is used you will need to use hard cast.
Frost lich helps close out games and elementals still keep value with life steal. 
The elemental mage is a nice twist and kinda fun.

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  1. Ghosta - Author
    March 7, 2018 at 6:14 AM

    Grand Spiteful Elemental Mage