General Mulligans
When starting you want to make sure you feed enough spells for yogg, getting libram discounted early will make this a breeze.
I an earlier version of the deck I found that I didnt have enough spells or early plays, first day of school fixed both.
Redscale helps the ball start rolling by drawing bronze explorer to keep yourself alive and get more dragons to stall with.
This deck is just for fun
I happened to have all the old gods and wanted to use them, so when I realized that there was a deck that already ran two, I put the others in and they synergized a little.
C’Thun’s Pieces are good removal that the deck needs to survive and serves as more spells for Yogg.
Yogg is activated mostly from librams and other low cost spells.
N’Zoth will be able to summon many things including: Murlocs, Dragons, Mechs, Beasts, Elementals and amalgams
Y’Shaarj is a little harder to activate with 2 high cost corrupted, although usually the other old gods will be played and the corrupted will be activated.
This deck obviously isn’t optimized, but I use it on ladder and I have been ranking up and having a lot of fun doing so.