A deck that could possibly emerge from The Boomsday Project, Goblin Bomb Hunter is a new take on the current Deathrattle Hunter. This deck uses cards that create Goblin Bombs such as Bomb Toss and Boommaster Flark with cards like Goblin Prank, Fireworks Tech, and Venomizer to activate and buff our bombs. Additionally, Venomizer + Missile Launcher gives us an 8 mana 6/6 that clears the board every turn.
I opened Boommaster and was very excited to try out a Goblin Bomb Hunter. However I am f2p and made a cheapo deck. The deck list without the cube, DK Rexxar, Umbra, or Zilliax. Instead I included upgradeable framebot, necromechanic, whirliglider, etc. The deck is working great and I just want to say thank you for the base deck list!