Gnimsh’s Buff Druid turned out to be a really promising deck and was even brought to Archon’s Team League Finale by StrifeCro! He’s now back with an interesting take on the currently popular Mech Mage. One card you’ll notice right away is Flame Juggler. The card is less dependent on sticking to the board like Knife Juggler, and can trade favorably with 1-cost minions. The other notable card is Kodorider! The new TGT card wasn’t received with a lot of praise, but if it gets on the board and sticks it can easily get out of hand.
hey i can never beat dragon priests or barely totem shamans with this deck. does anybody have any tips on how to beat them?
and i just lose games by running out of cards in my hand. i dont know what to do i tried to do everything lol
What could I replace one of th kodo riders with? I replaced it with loatheb but I would some other suggestions.
I would just go with standard Mech Mage if you don’t have Kodo Riders.
I go with this deck only because i dont have enough dust to craft antonidas… and 1600 dust for antonidas > 800 for 2 kodos.
But seriously if you dont have kodo riders just use Clockwork knights
This deck is really cool, i went from 25 to 9 for the first time, without any difficulties. I think it is more an aggro deck but thanks to the spells of the mage can pull you out of difficult situation.
Why azure Drake?
Good minion. Recycled itself. Moreover you can benefit from spell damage, even if it’s situational. Maybe a Mechanical Yeti or even a Mech Knight ? I think that Azure Drake is counterbalancing the lack of draw in averal Mech decks.
this deck doesnt run any arcane intellect
its for cycling the deck and azure drake is just too good for a 5drop
So tired of having to see Mech cards…
Had no idea this deck even existed, got wrecked by it as a dragon priest, googled it… sure enough it works
This is mech mage, which is a top tier deck, with Kodorider thrown in for novelty. Most mech mage games are decided before you even play Kodorider.
Good to know.
Any ideas for strong subs for Kodorider?
maybe Thaurissan and a mech yeti, or Thaurissan and heal bot
I subbed in 2 clockwork knights instead and seems to be working pretty well.
Not sure why but it worked for me from rank 8 to rank 3 so far
Not sure how much sense that deck makes… o_O