Experimental: The deck should be considered a work in progress.
Gnimsh has created a unique Druid deck list that features the sisters Eydis Darkbane and Fjola Lightbane. These cards benefit from targeted buffs, and these can be activated with Mark of the Wild. The deck reminds me of Midrange Hunter in that it curves at the top into Dr. Boom, and has bursty damage with the Force of Nature into Savage Roar combo.
Check out Gnimsh’s video where he discusses the deck!
What if I dont have Eydis Darkbane and Fjola Lightbane?? What can I use?
Probably another deck
I’m using 2 shade of naxxramas with amazing results
yeah i actually have the sisters and dumped them for 2 Shades of Naxx. Works much better.
Just not enough triggers for the Twins in druid. they are better served in Paladin, Priest or some kind of Mech Mage
The sisters are awesome cards, but only having Mark of the Wild to activate them makes me think they might be out of place.
I replaced both pilots with mechanical yeti. Works very well. Loving this deck
Deck seems really slow without an innervate start.