Genn Even Handlock

Class: Warlock - Format: raven - Type: control - Season: season-49 - Style: ladder

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General Mulligans

Because you have a 1-mana draw a card, a great opener isn't that important. Most of the time, just look for your standars 2-drops, Doomsayer, Homunculus, and Gnomeferatu.

Aggro Mulligans

Keep anti-aggro cards. Consider keeping Hellfire or Spellbreaker considering the match-up

Control Mulligans

Often, you can beat control with just Mountain Giants, but if that doesn't work, you have plenty of late game tools to draw later.

    This deck is a standard Handlock, with a twist! Only even cost cards. The main win condition is either outlasting aggro, or crushing your opponents with huge giants on turn four. That’s where a 1 mana life tap comes in handy. It is surprisingly good against Paladin, and can easily beat Cubelock if you can draw your giants, which isn’t too hard. 

    The cards Skulking GeistRin, the First DiscipleSpellbreakerCrazed Alchemist , and Gnomeferatu are all tech cards. Feel free to change any based on what you are facing often. For example, if you are facing a lot of aggro, you can change Gnomeferatu for Plated Beetle and Crazed Alchemist for maybe Curse of Weakness. There is no Siphon Soul in the deck because currently, almost all of the decks on the ladder are decks with many small or medium minions. If you start to encounter bigger decks, go ahead and put that in. 

    This deck is great for those who want to play Warlock, but don’t want to just play even more Cubelock. If you want to know anything about the deck, please let me know, and make sure to give this guide a +1

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