Odd Rogue is a new rogue archetype originating in the Witchwood due to Baku the Mooneater. The reason Baku is so powerful is because it basically gives you a 2 mana deal 4 without wasting any resources. This allows this deck to play extra aggressively while not having to sacrifice any tempo as Hench-Clan Thug on turn 3 is even more powerful than normal. Furthermore, an odd list doesn’t sacrifice cards such as Loatheb and Leeroy Jenkins. I will do my best to write a guide for my specific list, since it is a wild list after all, but as it is currently W.I.P. the main guide posted on the homepage is a good alternative. Also, I will continue to update this list/guide for the deck’s lifespan.
Mulligan Explanation
Coming soon
Coming soon
Card Choice/Substitutions
Coming soon