When this card came out it was a rogue deck that saw little to no play. But now, this deck is greater than ever. We got the greatest support this deck could have gotten, Lynessa Sunsorrow. This card allows you to pull crazy stuff, with Lay on Hands and Potion of Heroism. Another important addition is Spiteful Summoner, which in combo with Lay on Hands and Dinosize you get an 8-drop and a 4/4 for 6 mana. But you can also get a bit unlucky with Blessing of Kings or Blessed Champion, which gets you a 4-drop or 5-drop. Although, landing on Spikeridged Steed gets you a 6-drop, so no complaints. Val'anyr helps you by giving an amazing repeating weapon.

The plant of destiny of course returns to dominate with his boy, his brother Galvadon. The Voraxx just abuses all the buffs in your deck by swarming your board with 1/1s that just keep gaining those buffs.
Anyway, just enjoy the deck and have fun!
What? No one has commented on this? This deck looks like so much fun and I love Lynessa!
Going to have to give this a try. Thanks for the deck post! Love it!
I appreciate the positive feedback. I just came up with a new mage hero power deck for Witchwood.