Galakrond’s Awaking Solo Adventure Heroic: Week 4: Evil: Galakrond My winning Deck (Mecha’thun

Class: Warlock - Format: wild - Type: control - Style: adventure-mode

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General Mulligans

Is it sad that I recommend Plague of Flames as a keep every time? 

This was a doosy.  Although you start out at 3 mana Galakrond can just summon Giants… With 1 mana, insane.  One of the things I got accustomed to in this solo adventure was just to tap on the first turn since any card that you would play at the moment would be just killed by his weapon and you can use your 1 mana cards to easily plague of flames away his board if drawn.  Voodoo doll was surprisingly good to destroy one 8/8 for sure with dark skies (since it does hit friendly minions) and defile of coarse is a clear.  Twisting Nether seems like an odd inclusion at first, but you both start with more mana (which makes the board clear easier to use) and bloodbloom if you really need the board dead.  And trust me, you do.  Taking 8 damage is way better than taking 16+.  Also remember to either to kill your galvanizers off (if you have Mecha’thun in hand of course) or play them on the same turn because his hero power is just a 2 mana Flick and you need Mecha’thun to be 8 mana for the combo to work.

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