Lol quest with no activators and a lot of duplicates in a zephrys deck what a noob,
The guy is constantly top legend in all 3 servers wtf does he know, don’t even bother trying to learn anything about the game guys
The deck has no burgle synergy cards, the quest will never be completed (barring extremely long control games with ludicrous amounts of generated cards), it s there just as an activator for the quest synergy cards.
Proof of how insane Licensed Adventurer, Questing Adventurer, and Sky Gen’ral Kragg are. They make being one card behind at the start of every game worthwhile.
Lol quest with no activators and a lot of duplicates in a zephrys deck what a noob,
The guy is constantly top legend in all 3 servers wtf does he know, don’t even bother trying to learn anything about the game guys
I think you might be the one that needs to learn something about the game bud
I think you should get a sarcasm detector dude, re read the statement
yeah i just did, r/swoosh. sorry lmao
He does have quest abuse cards, however, he does put a lot of duplicates
Way too many 1-offs, the normal Galakrond rogue which is almost entirely 2-offs is way more consistent.
Don’t get it. Burglery and Galakrond in one deck?
The deck has no burgle synergy cards, the quest will never be completed (barring extremely long control games with ludicrous amounts of generated cards), it s there just as an activator for the quest synergy cards.
Ah well then.
What a crap.
Proof of how insane Licensed Adventurer, Questing Adventurer, and Sky Gen’ral Kragg are. They make being one card behind at the start of every game worthwhile.